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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Welcome to my new Blog!


Hello there blogger world! After many requests, I have decided to dive into the blog thing!  I read blogs all the time! I figured I should have one too!

I will probably take a slow start but be off and running soon with great posts, pictures of my work and hopefully some tutorials to share! 

Thanks for stopping by---and check back soon!


These are pictures of my set up at the Hartville Flea Market here in Ohio. I have a variety of handmade items mixed with cool vintage pieces.



I try to get up there at least twice a month…stop by if you can!

Rt. 619 Hartville, Ohio

Look for my blue tents!

1 comment:

glitterBugStudios said...

Woo hoo! I get to comment on YOUR blog now! You are so talented and I am so glad to have found you and your art. I happily own quite a few pieces! I'll be seeing you real soon! Tracey