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Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Uh---so where have I been? I didn't post the winner of the giveaway!! SO SORRY!  I had my daughter randomly pick a name.... the winner is..............(drum roll)......Paula Kannam. 
Congratulations Paula! Please send me an email with your contact info and I will mail that right out to you! Thanks again to everyone who entered and became a follower! Keep watching......more to come.

Monday, December 6, 2010




The Home Show was a HUGE success!! I had a houseful of wonderful guests! Thank you SO MUCH to everyone that came out! It was so great seeing everyone! I greatly appreciate all of your purchases as well!


We had perfect weather for the occasion as well. A light falling snow really put us in the mood for Christmas!

I was overwhelmed by everyone’s kind words and compliments regarding my work and my home! That really means A LOT to me you guys!





Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The HOME SHOW is almost here!


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Hope everyone had a fabulous thanksgiving. We did. We got to spread ours out until Sunday, so that was nice! 

We actually ventured out on “Black Friday” at 4:30 am. Said I’d NEVER do that again, but I DID! What was I thinking?….Its crazy out there! LOL


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So, the house is FILLING up with new goodies for the HOME SHOW! Hope everyone remembers to stop by for a visit and some shopping!

The date is SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2010. From 11am – 5pm!


You can email me at for directions or more information!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


a VERY happy Thanksgiving to all! Stay safe and enjoy!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Make sure you are an "official" FOLLOWER!

Just wanted to be sure you know how to be a "follower". It is very easy. Just click on the small button on the right side of the page where it says follow in the white box. It will ask you to log into your google, twitter or yahoo account and thats it!

If you don't have one of those just click on "create new accout". You just have to choose a user name and is quick and simple and you never really have to worry about "using" that new account again, it just lets you be listed as a "follower" on mine or any other blog. No strings attached! No harrassing emails or anything.

I am working towards my first goal of 50 followers. When I reach that goal I will be giving away a prize! I will select the winner from that list.  So come on everyone....follow me!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A few of my favorite things



I have been keeping busy getting ready for the big home show on December 5th!  This is a tray FULL of ornaments to go on the tree. Glittered reindeer, bells and beads!


So….where have you all BEEN?!? No one has entered the GIVEAWAY! All you have to do is post a comment on this blog to be entered—it’s so easy and so FREE!



Okay—I’m gonna go keep creating! Hope to hear from you all soon. Thanks for looking around here on my blog….I hope you find inspiration here.

Monday, November 15, 2010



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Ok y’all---here it is! The give away I promised. I hope you all like it! It is a painted metal, embossed sign. It has a gold glittered snowflake with a vintage christmas paper pinwheel attached! The background paper features old paris labels and postcards. This piece handmade by me!

I will draw a random winner on Monday December 6th, 2010 and will announce the winner on my blog!

There are THREE ways to enter:

1. Be a Follower (if you already are a follower-please leave me a message stating so!)

2. Leave a comment on any of my posts!

3. Mention this on your blog and send me a link!

Enter all 3 ways for better odds of winning! Thanks everybody and good luck!!!!

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hAPPy Little SnowMeN



I am having so much fun creating vintage-y, glittery snowmen! These are made with styrofoam balls (an item, I must say, I have NEVER used for crafting!) But I think they turned out kinda fun!



I have thrown Santa in the mix too! I found the metal plate I used here in the clearance halloween bin at my local craft store so I bought a bunch!  They were bright orange—wrong color but great price so I snatched ‘em up!   A little paint, paper and glue and voila!—Christmas!

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All these new items will be in my


 dECeMbER 5TH 11am-5pm.

I hope all of you that are in the area can stop by to say HI!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Announcing My Home Show!


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I will be having a handmade Open House on Sunday December 5, 2010 from 11am to 5 pm

Sherwood Village Allotment—Right off Middlebranch Rd. (Near Schneider)

6104 Wiclif St. NE, Canton, Ohio44721

008Stop in to shop for unique handmade, one-of-a-kind gifts for you, your home, family and friends! Many new items and designs from furniture pieces to ornaments! Something for everyone and every budget! Light refreshments served! I look forward to seeing you!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Ornaments!

Hey there! Wanted to share my new ornaments I made with the help of my new Tim Holtz Sizzix Rosette die! I have made TONS of these! Look for them to post soon in my Etsy store! 


Had fun playing with different glitters, papers and ribbons to create a unique snowflake each time (no snowflakes are alike you know!)



I’m sure you already saw the ones in my Esty space that are on picks…those are fun too! I was thinking of doing a smaller version of those to use as cupcake picks.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Aonther Blogs Giveaway!

Hey---So...if you LOVE old grain sack pillows and bags, you have to check out Its The Old Painted Cottage Blog. They are giving away a vintage grainsack purse! Check out the blog while you are there for some inspiration!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Working OUTSIDE today!



What a nice fall day today! A little cloudy, yet warm—I love it! I decided to work on some pieces outside! Here’s how they turned out…what do YOU think? I just love these little round accent tables! They are so fun to change up. The other is some sort of old laundry hamper maybe? I think it would be a great magazine holder.


I picked up ANOTHER great hump back trunk at the fleamarket this weekend. Wanted to share. The metal detailing is like alligator skin! I haven’t seen one like it before! I think I will just give it a clear coat of wax to keep all the rusty goodness in! Its such a great find…now where to put it?


Continuing my vintage “fashion” phase…I made this wonderful HAT FORM PIN KEEP. I actually made 4! Now I am on the hunt for more vintage hats! Thinking I will list these beauties on Just think how beautiful they will be LOADED up with vintage broaches and hat pins!


As always, thanks for taking a minute to visit with me! Leave me a comment, I love hearing from you! I’m also thinking of doing my first GIVEAWAY soon, so…..STAY TUNED!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Vintage Beauty



So right now I am in a vintage “fashion” kinda mood.  I just love old pins, clips, hats, scarves, etc! I have also  always loved old luggage and hat boxes too! So I try to change them up a bit, (of course) to give them new purpose. Most of us do not wear or use these items but we still appreciate their beauty. So…why not use them in our home decor! I know this is not a “new” concept but just a shared thought and love for all things VINTAGE!


Here is a photo of a portion of my home office where I use the luggage to store my paper, envelopes, stamps, etc…!






My favorite gal is sporting some of my favorite finds. She is OF COURSE in the Olde Picket Fence modeling all of this goodness for you!

So, “re-think” some of grandmas couture as decor!



OH! P.S----The Olde Picket Fence is having the FALL OPEN HOUSE on SATURDAY November 13TH!

All the vendors will be “transforming” their spaces to a winter wonderland! You gotta stop by and see all the new goodies!

I will be adding some new “fashion” decor to my space as well as some great new Christmasy creations!

Stop in, enjoy some free cookies and some great merchandise!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Little pops of Christmas?



Oh yes, it is early but I have changed up the space at the Picket Fence again and started adding little “pops” of Christmas! I guess this cold Ohio weather has triggered my winter creativity early.



Here is a peek at my new snowman guys! They are playing at the Picket Fence already too!


Had a busy weekend. Went to the Stamping Show in Strongsville. I was like a kid in a candy store. I wanted EVERYTHING! Came home with a couple treasures…anxious to use them in my next project.


Well….the week is half over everybody, hope the rest is great for you all---keep warm!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A little piece of home



So I finally put out my Halloween decorations (this is kinda late for me)! This is a picture of my sideboard in the dining room. I just love my glittered skeletons!



Here is a photo of our “butler”. He stands in the corner of the dining room patiently waiting for guests! He is animatronic and is 6 ft tall. Even his eyes move….creepy. He says a few phrases like…   “Good evening, the Master has been expecting you”…lol.


Halloween is just plain fun. Have you decorated yet?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A fine group of Gents!



Hi ya!---Here is my take on the fun pumpkins guys I learned about on Glitterbug Studios Blog and Honey Girl Studios Blog! Thanks for the inspiration girls!  Be sure to check out their blogs for the “know-how”! They are both such talented artists!


Well, I haven’t been setting up at the fleamarket much lately but I DID do some SHOPPING there today!  GReAt finds! It was such a comfortable fall morning for browsing outside. 012

AHHH! This stuff just makes me grin from ear to ear!

I left the house with 30 bucks and come home with all these yummies!



This old desk has a shelf on the reverse side—how cool!






…and how about this old chippy trunk!  A great find for 5 BUCKS!!!




…LOVE, love, LOVE old windows too! These have leaded glass…so delicate!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

hALLowEen Fun!



Halloween and Fall are coming quickly! Fall is my fAvoRIte time of year!  I am gearing up with some new goodies in the shop! Taking a different twist on it this year with more blacks and whites….what do ya think? You know I can’t wait much longer to drag out all my Halloween decor for my house!  We have tons and I love it! Halloween is fun, fun, fun.


I also added some new stuff to the wall space at the Picket!

Next week the Olde Picket Fence will be extending their hours to 5:00 in the evening instead of 4!—Monday thru Saturday. More time to shop, ya gotta love that! 

Tomorrow is FRiDaY! Make it a good one!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

New Store Space at the Olde Picket Fence!

So I finally made my move to a bigger spot in the store! I am very happy about it. I still have many items to add, and the walls are a little bare….but I’m off to a great start! I hope many of you will stop in to check out my new space! 

014  Here is a shot of the space “BEFORE”


Nothing can be more intimidating than an empty canvas! 






Here is my “AFTER”!





Decorating and re-arranging is SO FUN to me. I do it all the time, especially at my own home.  My poor family never knows where the couch will be!  Ha Ha! I plan on this new store space to change just as often!  Its playtime for me!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Great Labor Day at Hartville Flea Market!



Thanks so much to all of you who came to see me at the flea market! There was such a large crowd! It was a good day despite some wind. We took the tents down early for fear they would lift off on their own! Had a couple casualties---broken lamp, vase and picture due to the wind but overall it was a success! I had a bunch of “new” things to share which were very popular—I hope you all enjoy those new treasures!

Now, on to my next adventure! Moving to my LARGER space at the Picket Fence sometime this week---fun, fun!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Wind and Rain and Cold…oh my!



Well…we pulled into the flea market this am and realized it was entirely TOO WINDY to set up! Didn’t want to spend all day chasing my items down the parking lot!    Decided to head home but have solid plans to set up on Monday! I hope the ones of you who braved the weather found some treasures today! I’m gonna stay in today and get even MORE STUFF made for Monday.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Keeping Busy!


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Goodmorning! I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be at the HARTVILLE FLEA MARKET this holiday weekend! I am gonna shoot for Saturday AND Monday (weather permitting). I think it is supposed to RAIN on Saturday?? (Fingers crossed) I have TONS of new things, my truck is FULL! Looking forward to a great weekend at the FleaMarket!  Hope to see YOU there!

026ALSO—don’t forget to check out the OLDE PICKET FENCE while you are in Hartville! Just about 1/2 away from the Flea Market. There are lots of new items in the entire store for FALL and the place looks GREAT!  I will be moving to a different space in the store next week—BIGGER and BETTER! I will keep you posted with pictures and updates. I am so excited about the change! 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Come visit me at the Picket Fence!

Happy Thursday everyone! I’ve got new items at the Olde Picket Fence in Hartville, Ohio! Stop in and check it out. Located on Rt. 619 in Hartville, Ohio. 029 030






There is really something there for everyone, all tastes and styles!  They are celebrating 21 years in business and there is always something fresh and new to enjoy.



For those of you who may enjoy more PRIMITIVE decor, I introduce my mother—Mary Lincoln. She is also in the Picket Fence and her work is amazing!





Thanks so much to all of you for your kind words regarding my work! It is always so nice to hear from you all!